GD username: V1ZION27
Hello hello! My name’s V1ZION (pronounced as vision), a GarageBand music producer who has Autism.
Kira is an OC I made that originated in Roblox and was remade using AI.

Kira @V1ZION

Age 18, he/they

HS student


Joined on 6/7/20

Exp Points:
1,765 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.52 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
3m 13d

V1ZION's News

Posted by V1ZION - August 11th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 9: Taken

The group branches out to find Glaceon. Comet had just been with her earlier. So she goes to where they just were. She’s not there.

Zappy searches the forest, her normal spot. She’s not there either.

Wave searches the rest of the beach, which is very big. However, Glaceon isn’t there even though it’s so big. But he does see Electro turning a corner that leads to their training school. He runs to catch up with him, but when he turns the corner, he’s gone. Wave is very confused. He looks in all directions trying to find Electro. But then he feels something sting him on one of his front paws. He starts to feel woozy and eventually blacks out.

Zappy and Comet meet together again, waiting for Electro and Wave to come back. After waiting for several minutes, they start to get worried. They search for them together. They start with the forest again, but they don’t see them anywhere. Zappy thinks she’s found something to the left of her, so she runs to see what it is. Maybe it could be Wave, Electro, maybe even Glaceon. Once Comet catches up, she sees Zappy, along with someone else.

“No, it can’t be.”

It’s Shadow! And she has Zappy with her. Comet hides behind a tree and watches. She’s too far away for Shadow to see her. Then Shadow brings out a dart gun. Comet holds in a gasp, not wanting Shadow to hear her. Her eyes turn purple again. Shadow shoots Zappy with a dart. Zappy falls to the ground, unconscious, and Shadow drags her back to her hideout. Comet’s worried she might be the only one left.

“Have all my friends been captured too?”

She has no choice but to follow Shadow to her hideout and find her friends. But first, she needs to find someone else.

Posted by V1ZION - August 10th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 8: Feelings

Comet still can’t find Wave anywhere. She goes into the forest again, where she found Zappy before. She never usually goes in the forest; she easily gets lost in there. But Wave could be in there. Not surprisingly, she finds Zappy there instead, looking out into the distance. She still has that serious look on her face. But when she sees Comet out the corner of her eye, her mood instantly changes. She goes from her normal serious look to looking more wide-eyed and smiling brightly. Comet is very confused. She doesn’t know how to take this. Zappy says she knows about her and Electro too.

This wasn’t what Comet needed to hear right now. She felt her cheeks getting red again, but she refuses to show her embarrassment more. Zappy reads her face and her smile turns from a bright one to a slight one. She asks if Comet is ok. Comet only nods her head. Zappy doesn’t buy this and she frowns. She has the feeling that someone already told her about this and it made Comet feel uncomfortable. Now she just made it worse by telling her again.

Then Comet speaks up. She wanted this entire thing to stay between her and Electro. But she thinks Electro told them—Glaceon, Wave, and Zappy—about it. Then she asks Zappy: “Did Electro tell you?”

She hesitates to say yes, fearing it might upset her more. But she slowly nods her head anyway. Comet saw this coming, though, and Zappy sighs in relief.

But out of nowhere, Comet grabs on to Zappy’s arm and pulls her with her out of the forest. Zappy feels many emotions: surprise, annoyance, and confusion. It feels different. She gets free from Comet’s grasp, with an annoyed look. Comet smiles, knowing she got a reaction out of her. This is what Comet wanted. She asks to Zappy: “How does it feel?”

Zappy doesn’t feel annoyed anymore. She instead feels like she’s been used. She deflects Comet’s question by asking one of her own: “What are you trying to do?”

Comet opens her mouth to answer, but realizes she doesn’t need to. Zappy already figured it out. She wanted her to open up. All these feelings… they were getting to her. She faces down toward the ground and starts walking. Comet starts to “walk” with her. They were heading toward the beach. Soon, Comet stops. Zappy also stops and wonders what she’s looking at.

Comet sees something blue. Wave was there… but he’s talking to someone. It was Electro! Comet was already frustrated enough by him telling Glaceon and Zappy about them. Zappy sees Wave with Electro too and she looks back at Comet. She wasn’t happy with this at all. Her eyes were turning pink again. Zappy grabs Comet and goes somewhere where Wave and Electro can’t see them. Comet’s eyes stop turning pink. She’s confused again. Before Comet can say another word, Zappy gives her a big hug. She struggles to get out of it at first, but then remembers what she did to Zappy.

She wanted her to open up, and that’s exactly what she’s doing now.

She gives in to the hug and smiles deeply. A warm and friendly hug is what she needed right now. When Zappy stops, she flushes red but it soon goes away as she smiles more. Comet looks over to where Wave and Electro were. They’re still there. She no longer feels frustrated. Instead, she feels calm. She goes over to deal with them, still having a smile on her face.

Electro and Wave see her and try to hide what they were just talking about. However, Comet already knows what they were talking about and looks at Electro. He passes off a fake smile. Zappy speaks up. She talks about how Comet had said Electro told Glaceon and her about both of them, and how it made Comet really embarrassed. Hearing this makes Electro feel bad for Comet, like he had let her down by telling everyone. Because now, all three of them know about him and Comet. He apologizes to Comet for telling everyone. He just wanted to let everyone know how they were doing.

Comet understands and gives him a hug. The secret’s out now, so there’s no point in holding back.

Wave remembers that Comet was searching for him. “Comet, you wanted to see me, right?”

After she and Electro finish embracing, she nods. Now that everyone is here, they could take on Shadow together. She’s too powerful to take on alone. But Comet realizes that Glaceon isn’t here now.

So the search begins for her… and this time, everyone’s involved in it.

Posted by V1ZION - August 9th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 7: Cold Snap

Comet is floating along a path in search for Wave, but she finds someone else instead: Glaceon. She runs to Comet, looking ecstatic which was unusual for Glaceon. Comet is caught off guard when she hugs her. Glaceon wanted to say that she’s happy that her and Electro are getting along.

Comet is shocked at hearing this. She didn’t tell anyone about her and Electro. Thoughts are running through her mind. “Did Electro leak our conversation? How does she know about this?”

She admits that “a little birdie” told her all about their conversation. Comet’s face turns red with embarrassment. So many feelings are going through her: anger, stress, and shock. Her eyes keep changing from pink to purple back to pink again. Glaceon hugs Comet. Comet begrudgingly gives in to it. She still feels uneasy. Glaceon never wanted her to feel this way.

She apologizes for what she did and tells her she didn’t want her to feel any sort of resentment toward her. But Comet was thinking about something different. “Why did Electro tell Glaceon about this?! I’m not ready for anything big in our relationship and he knows it!”

They hug in silence for almost a full minute before Comet breaks away. Her eyes are a deep purple. Glaceon apologizes once again, but Comet still stays silent. She’s still too embarrassed to say anything. Glaceon tries to comfort her some more, but Comet turns away. Then she hesitantly gives Glaceon a platonic kiss on the cheek and hovers away, her eyes still purple. She needs to find Wave.

Posted by V1ZION - August 8th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 6: Electricity

Electro finds Comet and runs to her. He has something he’s been needing to say to her. Comet gets flustered when she notices him. He himself is also flustered. Still trying to gather his thoughts, he starts to confess his feelings to Comet, and she’s shocked at knowing this. This makes what she thought true. He did want to be more than just friends. She instantly feels uncomfortable. She’s not ready for this kind of relationship yet. Electro hasn’t experienced one like that either.

While Comet doesn’t think this is the best time to tell him, she tells him how she feels to Electro. This makes him shocked as well. Comet turns away from him, blushing. She felt her heart beating very hard and fast; she might even faint. Her eyes start turning purple. This signifies stress. Electro acknowledges this and tries to embrace her. She backs away from him this time. She needs some time to gather her thoughts. Electro saw this coming and doesn’t take offense to any of this, even when she floats away without saying another word. Electro walks away in the opposite direction. They were both thinking the same thing.

“I hope I didn’t make a mistake.”

Posted by V1ZION - August 7th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 5: Remembrance

At this point, Wave is getting desperate. He yells at her to stop… which she does. She listened this time. Wave falls on the sandy beach. Tears start welling up in his eyes. Comet’s pink rage goes away. She’s no longer mad, but instead she’s worried. She’s the first one to start crying. Wave tries to hug Comet to comfort her and she gives in. He starts to cry too when they embrace each other. He knows how much it hurts Comet to lose someone she loved very much, although she never got the chance to actually get to know her brother. Wave, to be the one who killed him, starts crying harder. Comet gives him some time to let it all out.

After a few long minutes, he calms down. He then starts to talk about her brother, how they were best friends, how they always hung out with each other. He mentioned people always called him Ghost because he was so sneaky. In order to cheer Comet up, he talks about this one time where they were training. Wave tried to attack Ghost, who was right in front of him. But Ghost wasn’t there when he finished his attack. He was behind Wave, and then did a sneak attack. This was how sneaky he was. Wave talking to Comet about her brother made her feel better. She started to smile slightly.

After laughing and joking for a while, talking about funny and embarrassing things Ghost did, Wave’s expression turns more serious. Comet’s smile turned big now fades. He warns Comet about how Shadow warps the truth about everything. She made it seem like Comet’s brother’s death was done on purpose, although that wasn’t true at all. Wave says he killed Ghost by using an attack that he wasn’t ready for yet. He warned Wave he wasn’t ready for it, but he used it anyway. Not even his sneaking skills could save him from it. The result speaks for itself. Comet starts to frown, but she also feels angry. She resists the temptation for her pink rage to flare up again. Comet tells Wave that they need to face Shadow together. But they also need all the help they can get.

Posted by V1ZION - August 6th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 4: Wave

Electro tells Mimikyu (now known as Comet) about this Pokémon who goes by Wave, who is a Vaporeon. Comet had been told it was a water type who killed his brother. She finally had stuff in her mind cleared up. Electro says Shadow claims that he had done it on purpose, that it was all a setup. But he also explains that he and Comet’s brother were the best of friends.

This makes Comet confused yet again. She thought about it for a second: “If my brother was best friends with this guy, then how come he decided to kill him, let alone decided to turn on him? It makes no sense. You can kill someone accidentally… right?”

Comet decides to find this Vaporeon right away. Electro tells her where he last saw him: near the beach. That’s Comet’s favorite place to go. She likes to go there during the night when the moon is out. It relaxes her.

So Comet goes to the beach along with Electro. Wave is still there. He turns back to see them both. Comet has an angry look on her face which makes Wave step back, not wanting to anger her more. He doesn’t know what the reason to her anger is. But Comet slowly creeps up to Wave, still looking angry. Wave keeps backing up, frightened. He turns his gaze to Electro, not knowing what to do. Electro can’t do anything to help. Once Comet’s angry about something, there’s no getting her out of it the easy way.

Wave’s back paws touch the water and he falls in. Comet’s eyes then go flaming pink. This was her chance at payback for what he did to her brother. She starts attacking Wave rapidly, without a strategy. Wave is stuck in the water and can’t do anything. He can’t dive because the water’s too shallow. Wave looks at her glowing pink eyes. Her eyes weren’t like that a minute ago. Wave yells over Comet’s attacks, trying to apologize. Even though Comet hears him, she ignores him. Wave keeps trying to apologize but every time, she still ignores him. It seems like there’s no end to this attack.

Any questions (about this episode and the story in general) I will answer the best I can.

Posted by V1ZION - August 5th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 3: Zappy

Mimikyu goes to Glaceon for advice on how to respond to Electro. Glaceon gets the feeling that Mimikyu’s having boyfriend troubles, but Mimikyu turns to her, disgusted, and insists that it’s nothing like that. She’s not even ready for that type of relationship yet. But now she has the feeling that Electro might want to be more than just friends. After they split off, Mimikyu finds a female Pikachu wandering around the forest. She asks if she’s lost. But the Pikachu was actually searching for her. She has a serious look on her face.

Mimikyu has been in this scenario before with Electro. So she asks the Pikachu: “Are you going to capture me?”

The Pikachu nods her head, but slowly and sadly, like she doesn’t want to. She then keeps her head down.

Mimikyu notices this and asks another question: “Do you really want to?”

The Pikachu looks back up to face Mimikyu and slowly shakes her head. She might not want to, but if she doesn’t, it wouldn’t be following orders from Shadow. Mimikyu then sees a necklace around the Pikachu’s neck. One word went across it:


Her name was Zappy.

Zappy looks at Mimikyu, who was looking at her necklace. Then she looks down at it, looks back up at her and smiles. Mimikyu then lowers her guard, knowing that Zappy still has to capture her either way.

Mimikyu is taken to a prison cell inside of Shadow’s hideout. Zappy is outside of the cell. She apologizes for having to do this to her. She knows Mimikyu hasn’t done anything wrong. Mimikyu forgives her and Zappy smiles when she does. But then Zappy starts to feel weird. She’s never felt this before. It felt like they might start to be friends. Zappy has always been this serious Pikachu who follows orders and never gives anyone special treatment. However, after meeting Mimikyu, she quickly changes. Then she does something she never thought she would do. She quietly gives Mimikyu the key to the cell she’s in and walks away, but doesn’t actually leave. Mimikyu then slowly unlocks the cell and turns to leave but then sees Zappy again. Zappy then gives Mimikyu a hug, another thing she never thought she would do. Mimikyu is very surprised at this. They had just met and she’s already been given a hug. Zappy then gives another shy smile and waves Mimikyu away, before Shadow sees her. Mimikyu smiles back and officially escapes.

Not long after, she sees Electro running to her. He has something urgent to say to her. But first, he talks about giving a nickname to her. “What nickname do you like?”

Mimikyu thinks about this for a second. She likes the name “Comet.” That is her new name. Electro smiles at this name, signaling he likes it. But then his expression changes in an instant, to a more worried look. Mimikyu turns confused. It turns out Electro knows who killed her brother.

More episodes soon!

Posted by V1ZION - August 4th, 2022

In order to keep everything in one place and organized, I’ve decided to make a portfolio thread. This will also keep me from hogging the entire writing forum with my posts lmao.

Both the preview and episode 1 are there, as well with episode 2 which I finished yesterday (August 3) at the time I’m posting this.

If you want to see the story so far, just go to this post here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

More episodes will be added to the thread as time goes on. Just give me some time to do so. In the meantime, please enjoy what I have to offer right now. I was very nervous at first to post my story, but I can now say that even though I was nervous to begin with, I’ve changed my attitude and I feel much more confident sharing this now.

Hope you enjoy! ;)


Posted by V1ZION - August 3rd, 2022

FIRST EPISODE HERE: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507274

Very nervous to be sharing this. I hope people like it.

If you haven’t seen the preview to it, I’ll link my previous post here too:


I actually can’t believe I’m making this. I’ve never found writing stuff fun in my entire life. But now that I’m doing this, it’s not as bad as I thought. This may be my first and maybe final story I’ll ever write for fun, but at least I know how some people feel about writing stories:

They enjoy it.

Posted by V1ZION - August 2nd, 2022

I’ve never written anything outside of school projects. This is my first writing project done for fun. I think my brain is broken because I’ve never found writing fun. The preview can be found in this post.


I will also post the preview here as well because why not?

DISCLAIMER: This story is not based on knowledge about Pokémon. I’ve never played a Pokémon game in my life. I don’t know anything at all about it. I don’t know the differences between generations or the types of Pokémon or anything like that. I don’t know the personalities of them either. Don’t come after me if I do something wrong that isn’t relevant to Pokémon itself.


This is a story inspired by Pokémon about Mimikyu, who tries to uncover the mystery of who killed her brother, who was a Pikachu. She meets many others along the way who try to help her. Some of them know some info about what happened. Soon, the mystery is solved. But there’s still other things that come to her mind. “If you’re the best of friends, can you kill them accidentally? I’m not ready for a relationship… how can I trust him? Can people change over past events?” Those questions may be answered… or they may not.