GD username: V1ZION27
Hello hello! My name’s V1ZION (pronounced as vision), a GarageBand music producer who has Autism.
Kira is an OC I made that originated in Roblox and was remade using AI.

Kira @V1ZION

Age 18, he/they

HS student


Joined on 6/7/20

Exp Points:
1,765 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.52 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
3m 13d

V1ZION's News

Posted by V1ZION - September 11th, 2022

Ep 1: Green Eyes

I rush to Zappy’s house. Yes, we all have houses. Seems a bit weird, doesn’t it? Usually, Pokémon don’t have houses, but sometimes we have to defy the laws. I open the door to see Zappy inside pacing back and forth. She wanted me for some reason, but she didn’t tell me why.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“I need your help!” she says.

“For what?”

“It’s Spider.”

Spider is Zappy’s boyfriend. He’s a Luxio. He got his name because he could stick to any surface using his claws for a long time. I wish I had claws, but you can’t change what you already have. Unless you can change into a completely different Pokémon. I wonder if you can do that. “What happened to him?” I ask.

“He went out to go somewhere with Wave. He was only supposed to be gone for a little bit, but it’s been about a half hour and he isn’t back yet!”

I never thought Spider would be late for anything. That’s not like him. And since Wave is only with one other person, he’s bound to have gotten lonely real fast. Maybe something did happen to them. “Ok,” I say. “I’ll find them for you.”

“Thanks so much!” A big smile went across Zappy’s face.

I smile as well. Her smiles were always infectious to me. I hover out of the house and went to search for them. To be honest, they could be anywhere. Zappy didn’t even tell me where they last were. I was able to find them near the beach. Their backs are turned away from me.

“Hey, Spider! Hey, Wave!” I say.

They don’t respond. Weird. Usually, Wave is the first one to say anything when he hears someone.

“Spider? Wave? Are you ok?” I slowly creep closer to them.

Spider’s head quickly turns to me. I jump back. It felt like something from a horror movie. I got chills thinking about it. But something seems… off. I tilt my head, confused. His eyes are green. I’ve never seen that before. My eyes turn pink from anger and purple because of stress. But green? My eyes have never turned green. At least, I don’t recall a time when they have. And to add to that, he’s not even talking to me. What is going on?

“Are you ok, Spider?” I repeat. I’m worried for him.

Spider slowly walks up to me. His face is expressionless. Then Wave turns around as well, his eyes are also green. Both their faces have no expression. I back up, not knowing what to do. Then they start running toward me.

Now I’m really scared. I try to outrun them, but they’re catching up to me. I don’t know what it is that made them this fast, but I bet it’s whatever’s going on with them. I turn my head around to see how close they are to me. It’s not long until they reach me. Spider tries to lunge at me, but he misses and lands with a face full of sand. I chuckle at him. I turn my head back and see Zappy’s house ahead and I smile. I know Zappy will help me. I try to open the door. It’s locked. So I try knocking—hard. She answers the door and lets me in.

“What’s going on out there?” Zappy asks.

“Spider and Wave… they’re trying to get me…” I say, out of breath.

“What do you mean?” She looks out the front window to see Spider and Wave outside. They’re still running to the house. “Why are their eyes green?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I’ve never seen that before.”

Zappy is startled when she hears Spider trying to knock down the door. “Well, we better put something in front of the door so they won’t get in.”

I nod and start to look for something. There’s nothing big enough that will block the door. Nothing that I can carry. I turn around. Zappy is still looking out the window. “Everything ok over there?”

Zappy looks like she might cry her eyes out. But that changes in an instant when Wave breaks the window. Zappy screams. I never heard such a girly scream from Zappy before, but there’s a first time for everything.

Wave climbs through the window and tries to attack Zappy. But when he does, his eyes turn back to normal. He blinks a few times and looks around. “Where am I?” he asks Zappy.

Zappy is too shocked to say anything.

I look outside to see Spider’s eyes back to normal as well. How is this happening?

“I think those green eyes had something to do with it,” Spider says.

“Wait, Spider, how did his eyes become green?” I ask.

“I have no idea. It just seemed to have happened. And I guess it spread to me.”


“He did touch me after his eyes turned green and I think mine turned green after that. Maybe it spreads by contact like a virus infection would.”

That would make sense. But I still don’t know how this whole thing happened in the first place. Is someone controlling them? I don’t know if it would be Shadow doing this, but with her, you can’t doubt anything. Plus, she could go back to her evil ways at any minute. Maybe this is her betrayal. But let’s not jump to conclusions right away.

“I have to talk to Shadow about this,” I say to them.

“But Shadow stopped doing evil things months ago!” Zappy protests. “How could it be her?”

“I’m not saying it’s her, but I just want to make sure.” I hover out of the house to find her. I turn around to look at Spider and Wave. “You guys should rest up here for a little bit.”

They nod and try to find the bedroom. I turn to Zappy. “And don’t worry,” I begin. “I’ll replace your window for you.”

Zappy smiles. “Thanks, but I think I got it covered.”

I smile at her and head outside. If this is Shadow’s fault, then she’s been faking being good for the last three months.

Please don’t let it be her that’s causing this.

Posted by V1ZION - September 10th, 2022

Yes, I’m making a sequel. I’ve been wanting to do it before I finished Ghost Killer and now work has been started on it. I don’t know how long this one will be, hopefully longer.

Unlike Ghost Killer, this story will be fully told in Comet’s POV. If you haven’t read Ghost Killer yet, Comet is the main character of the story, and she will be the main character of this one as well. So far, only the preview has been made. There will be more information on this soon, but I just wanted to share this with you so you know what’s happening.

I will leave a link to Ghost Killer here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gOCzuU96biumJIbi-ZYlhp2CYcFxn3vsNzVGIWdcOpk/edit?usp=sharing

Posted by V1ZION - September 4th, 2022

BBS post (The post literally says the exact same thing as this but here’s the link to it anyway): https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1509354

It’s finally finished. I’m really excited to share the full story with you. The full story has some changes from what I’ve already shown here on NG. Here are some things:

  • Everything is set in past tense
  • Added dialogue in every episode (except for the last one)
  • Each episode shows who is in it at the beginning of them

Ok, I think that’s about it for this. Here it is, and enjoy it.


Posted by V1ZION - August 30th, 2022

We’re getting to the end. It’s so close.

Ep 14: Shadow’s Anger

Shadow (Shiny Mimikyu)

Comet (Mimikyu)

Electro (Shiny Pikachu, male)

Thunder (Raichu, Shadow’s sister, mentioned)

Ghost (Pikachu, Comet’s brother, mentioned)

Wave (Vaporeon, male, mentioned)

“You didn’t think I would find you, did you?” Shadow said. “I’ll always find you, one way or another.”

“How did you find us?” Comet asked.

“I placed a tracking device on you,” she answered.

Electro winced. “Oh, so that’s what I saw on your back.”

Comet looked at the back of her and saw the device. It was a small chip. Then she looked at Electro. She felt betrayed. “You knew about this? Why didn’t you say anything?!”

Electro bowed his head down.

“Don’t worry, Electro,” Shadow said. “You did a good thing… for me.” She smiled evilly. “This time, you will never get out.”

Everyone was back inside the same cell they were in before. However, Comet and Electro were in their own cell in another room. They sat in silence, both of them on opposite sides of the cell. Shadow revamped the security of the cells after they escaped the last time. 

“I’m sorry, Comet,” Electro said. “I truly am.”

“If you’re really sorry…” Comet started. “Why didn’t you say anything before? You saw it right there.”

Electro heard the bitterness in her voice. “I didn’t know what it actually was.”

“But you didn’t bother to tell me about it anyway? What kind of sense does that make?”

Electro didn’t have an answer.

“Someone who truly likes me would tell me about stuff,” Comet continued. “I’m doubting you even like me at all.”

That set Electro off. “I don’t like you?” he said angrily. “What did that kiss mean, then? I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t like you.”

Comet got up and faced Electro. Electro turned around and looked at her. His angry expression went away. His face turned pale. Comet’s eyes were pink.

“Wait, Comet! Please don’t do this! We can fix this,” he pleaded.

“What is there to fix?” she snapped. “My brother’s been gone since I was a kid, I have this shiny version of myself trying to kill me, and now we’re locked up in here again! So please tell me how we can fix this mess if you’re so smart.”

“I know what Shadow’s been through.”

Comet’s eyes turned back to normal. Her anger was gone. “You do?”

“I’ve known Shadow since I was a kid. We used to get along well until a few years ago, she just changed in an instant. She became serious and demanding. It’s like she forgot everything about the past. It’s like she never met me before.”

Comet started to get worried. “Electro… what happened to her?”

“It wasn’t to her,” he said. “She had a sister.”

“A sister?”

“Yeah, she was a Raichu named Thunder… and I…”

“You? You did something to her?”

Electro hesitated to say what he did. He thought it might make Comet lose her trust in him even more. He told her anyway, hoping for the best. “I… I killed her.”

“You what?!” Comet yelled, a bit too loudly.

“Before you get too worried, it wasn’t entirely my fault.”

“What do you mean?” Comet asked, still a bit too loud. “You killed her!”

“We were battling another Pokémon,” Electro said. “It was a water type, and it tried to hit me with one of its moves. If I remember correctly, it was the same move Wave used on you.”

Comet looked at the burn on her. It looked like it was fading, and it didn’t hurt when she touched it. She turned her attention back to Electro.

“The move was targeted at me, so I quickly dodged out of the way. But what I didn’t know is that Thunder, the Raichu, was behind me. She got hit by the move, and when it happened, she fell right to the ground. It was like the incident with your brother all over again.” He bowed his head again.

Comet looked at him.

“I regret what I did,” Electro said. “But I only dodged out of the way to defend myself.”

“Electro… it wasn’t entirely your fault,” Comet assured.

“But I still feel guilty.”

“You have to let it go,” Comet said. “I know that these feelings can come back to bite you once and a while, just like they did with me. But you have to learn to let it go. You can’t change the past.”

Electro didn’t say anything, then he noticed something outside the cell laying on the floor.

“Electro? You ok?” Comet asked.

“Look over there,” he said.

Comet looked over to where he was looking. She saw two plushies of a Mimikyu and a Raichu. “Are those Shadow’s plushies?” she asked.

“Yes, they are.” Shadow appeared from outside the cell. She had tears in her eyes.

“How long have you been here?” Comet asked.

“I never left the room,” Shadow said, then she started to monologue about her sister. “Thunder was my best friend. She meant the world to me. I would always go to her for comfort when I had no one else to go to.”

“Like Ghost was with Wave,” Comet said. “But I still don’t understand why you’re trying to kill me.”

Shadow was silent. She didn’t have a true reason why.

“You really don’t want to kill me, do you?” Comet asked.

Shadow stayed silent. Tears went down her face. She put a hand on of the bars of the cell, and pulled it with all her strength. She was able to break the bar off.

“Whoa,” Comet and Electro exclaimed simultaneously. They both exited the cell, and Shadow didn’t stop them when they did.

“I have anger issues,” Shadow said. Her voice broke as she talked. “My anger has gotten in the way of so many things, and I could never fix my problem on my own. My sister was the only person I had… and Electro too. But after my sister was killed in that battle, my entire life was flipped upside down. I became super angry at Electro even though it wasn’t entirely his fault. He was only dodging out of the way of the attack. But to be honest, I don’t know why Ghost and Comet came into my mind. They were not a part of this at all. Maybe because she experienced the same thing as me. I felt bad for her after Wave killed Ghost. I was his friend too.”

“I didn’t know that,” Comet said.

“I know it may seem crazy, me having friends, but I was,” Shadow said with a slight smile.

“You were friends with me,” Electro said.

“Yeah, that’s true,” Shadow admitted. “As I said, Ghost was one of my friends, and I guess when he died, it made my anger flare up more. I thought the only way to get rid of the pain of mourning someone else’s life… was to take someone else’s life.”

“Like I said to Electro,” Comet said. “You have to let it go.”

“I’ve been trying,” Shadow said. “I really have. But my anger issues are too much for me to handle by myself.”

“You don’t have to handle anything by yourself,” Electro says, comfortingly. “You have all of us. I know it may sound corny, but it’s true. You don’t have to be alone anymore.” He held out a paw.

“Come on, Shadow,” Comet said with a smile. “You can be with us. You don’t have to worry anymore.”

Shadow was a bit skeptical about this. She wasn’t used to being around groups of people. She was also afraid her feelings would get in the way of her future friendships if she did take his hand. But while she was alone, she was depressed and angry, which led to the situation with Comet and Ghost.

Despite her thoughts telling her to refuse, she looked up at Electro and took his hand “I don’t want to be alone anymore,” she said. “Also, Comet, I want to give you this.”

Comet was shocked when she saw what was in Shadow’s hand. “Is that my necklace?!”

“When you took it from me, it just made me want it more… and I forgot how much that necklace meant to you. All of that just flew out the window. So when the school day was over, I went over to your locker, entered your combination, and stole it. I kept it ever since. I’m very sorry.”

Comet started to get angry at her, but the sincerity of her apology stopped her. She couldn’t stay mad at her. “It’s ok, Shadow.” Then she hugged her.

Shadow was surprised she even forgave her. It was something Comet cherished very much, and Comet needed was an apology. “I can’t believe you forgave me for this… but thank you,” Shadow said. “But I think you might need to make a new locker combination.” She smiled, but it wasn’t an evil smile. It was a friendly smile.

“I didn’t know you had a sense of humor,” Comet thought. She smiled at this thought.

“Come on.” Shadow hovered to the door that led to the main room of her hideout. “Let’s go free your friends.”

Comet and Electro looked at each other. They didn’t question what Shadow said, though.

“And one more thing.” Shadow looked back at them.

“Thank you.”

Posted by V1ZION - August 28th, 2022

Haha I posted this episode in the thread but not on my profile I’m stupid. You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 13: Reunited

“Help me!” Electro shouted.

Comet jolts awake from her sleep. She thought maybe Shadow had found them. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“There’s a crab on my tail!” he said.

Comet holds in a laugh. She tries to get the crab off his tail. But she came up with an idea. “Just electrocute it.”

He did, but it still held on. So he tried again… and again. It took three tries for it to let go. When it fell to the ground, he poked at it with a stick to see if it was still alive. It was… and it tried to grab onto Comet this time.

Comet threw it back into the water so it wouldn’t annoy them any longer. She also thought it was a better option than just killing it. Both Comet and Electro are big softies when it comes to animals.

“I didn’t want to hurt it,” Electro said. “But I don’t think it would let go if I didn’t.”

Comet smiles. “At least you didn’t kill it.”

Electro nods, but he’s still sad he electrocuted it.

“Comet! Electro!”

They turn to see Zappy running to them.

“Hey, Zappy!” Comet says, but she realizes the others aren’t with her. “Where’s Spider and Galaxy?”

“They’re coming. They’re just talking to each other.”

Spider and Galaxy were in the distance, slowly catching up to them. You could hear them talking.

“Wow, Wave actually did that to her brother?” Spider asked Galaxy.

“Yeah, I was one the first to hear about what happened. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t like Wave.” Galaxy said.

“Aw. I think Wave is nice overall. You both know it was an accident. Maybe just talk to him?”

Galaxy gives an exasperated sigh. “I guess I’ll try.” They both catch up to Zappy. “Hey, Comet and Electro. Anything new?”

“If you count Electro having a crab stuck to his tail, then yes,” Comet joked.

Electro made a face at her.

“I thought I heard something,” Zappy laughed. “I didn’t know you could scream that loud.”

This made Electro turn red.

Zappy notices. “Don’t worry,” she says. “It happens to all of us.”

“He electrocuted it,” Comet says.

“He did?!” Zappy gasps. “Electro, I thought you loved animals!”

“It was Comet’s idea!” he said. “Plus, it was the only way to get it off me.”

Spider chimes in. “Did you guys do something to Zappy? She’s changed a lot.”

“I mean, I might have,” Comet says.

Zappy smiles. She used to be very serious. She didn’t talk a lot and didn’t smile a lot either. When she met Comet, though, everything in her changed. She turned from her serious personality to one that’s more bubbly and cute. She’s not afraid to show it either. “I’m glad I met Comet,” she says. “I never would’ve opened up if it weren’t for her. She’s a great friend.”

Comet grins, flattered by what she said.

“So, what have you two been doing? Making out?” Galaxy teased.

They both hesitate to answer, considering that it was true. They look at each other. Then Electro speaks up.

“Actually,” he starts. “I kissed Comet for the first time.” Then he smiles at her.

“No way!” Zappy exclaims, amazed. “Is that true, Comet?”

“It is,” she answers confidently.

Zappy hugs both Comet and Electro at the same time. “I’m so proud of you both!”

“I think we really do like each other,” Comet says while they’re still embracing. “It did take a while, though. Especially on my end of things.” They finish hugging and Comet continues. “It was a strange way for us to first meet each other, but I like how Electro wanted us to be friends right from the start. Admittedly, I was uncomfortable at first. I just needed to take my time to sort things out. Then comes the moment we expressed ourselves, a moment I won’t forget. I know I was a bit shocked… no, I was frustrated, to know that Electro had told everyone about our little conversation, and I’m sorry about that.”

“And I’m sorry again for telling everyone,” Electro added in.

Comet smiles and continues. “More time passes, leading up to last night when Electro kissed me on the cheek. I wasn’t expecting that at all, but it showed how much he loved me.” She looked at Electro again. “Now it’s time for me to return the favor.” She leans over to Electro. He knows what’s coming next.

She kissed him on the cheek. It was a bit uncomfortable for Comet to kiss Electro in front of others, but she didn’t care.

Zappy starts to get emotional. There are tears in her eyes. Spider wipes them off as they go down her face. “You guys are so sweet,” she sobs.

Galaxy doesn’t do anything but grin at them.

“Do you think we should find Wave and Blizzard?” Electro asks.

“Yeah,” Galaxy agrees. “Wave can’t stay with one person for that long. He needs, like, at least three people around him, otherwise, he feels lonely. I’ve known him long enough to know this. I bet he’ll come to us first.”

What Galaxy said about Wave is true. Wave gets lonely very quickly, especially when he’s only with one other person or by himself.

“Where are they?”

Comet’s startled by this. She looks around her.

“Don’t worry,” Galaxy says. “It’s just Wave. I told you he would try to find us.”

“If I don’t find them, I’m going to cry,” Wave says, desperate.

They also hear Blizzard in the distance too. “Hey, wait for me!”

Wave and Blizzard now appear in everyone’s view, but they don’t shout at them signaling where they are. They thought it would be funny not to tell them. They hide behind a rock where they can’t see them.

Then Wave does start to cry. He lay on the ground, his front paws covering his face. Blizzard tries to comfort him.

Galaxy and Spider quietly laugh at them while Comet, Electro, and Zappy feel bad for them. Comet peeks at them again. Electro and Zappy follow what she does.

At the same time, they shout at them. “Wave! Blizzard! We’re over here!”

Wave instantly turns his head and runs to them. Zappy opens her arms for a hug and he runs into her. They embrace each other.

Wave is still crying. “I missed you guys so much!”

“It wasn’t even a day,” Galaxy muttered to herself.

“And you won’t last another day.”

Everyone turns around, alarmed.

“She found us.”

Posted by V1ZION - August 23rd, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 12: Goodnight Kisses

“Wait, Zappy, this is your boyfriend?” Comet asks.

“Yep, his name is Spider,” she says. “I love him so much.”

“Zappy, don’t embarrass me, please,” Spider says, flushing red.

“So, why’s your name Spider?” Comet asks.

“His claws can dig into any surface and he doesn’t tire out quickly when climbing up a surface,” Zappy says.

Spider smiles. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t sent by Shadow. I’m not capturing you. But we should get out of here before she does find us.”

They all exit Shadow’s hideout and run away from it as quickly as possible. They leave the forest, and head for the main area, which is near the training school.

“Shadow’s going to find us again sooner or later,” Comet says. “What should we do?”

Wave has an idea. “If we stay here as a group, we’ll all be captured at the same time again. We don’t want that to happen. I suggest we all split up this time.”

So everyone split up into three uneven groups since there are seven of them. Comet and Electro in the first group; Blizzard and Wave in the second; Galaxy, Zappy, and Spider in the third. Wave was at first going to be with Galaxy but she didn’t want to break Wave’s heart by telling him she wasn’t interested in him. Although, she does wants to soon, just for fun.

Comet and Electro head for the beach, and they have a little talk with each other.

“Thanks for saving us,” Electro says.

Even though Comet’s getting used to Electro being around her, she still blushes when she’s close to him. “You’re welcome… but it wasn’t just me,” she says. She knows she didn’t do all the work. She doesn’t have telekinesis.

“Is Galaxy nice?”

“Yeah, she’s friendly. One of my good friends.”

“She doesn’t seem to like Wave, though,” Electro says.

“I saw that. What confuses me is that she told me she had feelings for someone before. She didn’t tell me who it was.”

“Who do you think it is?”

“I don’t know… but she doesn’t have a lot of male friends that I know. It has to be a small amount.” She thinks for a second. “Do you have other friends?”

“Um, not really,” Electro sighs. “Zappy was pretty much my only friend before I met all of you.”

“How come you didn’t have feelings for her?”

“The thing is… I did! But she already had a boyfriend so I couldn’t tell her that…” he trails off. He looks up at the sky. It was full of stars.

Comet looks up too. She gasps in awe at the star-filled sky. “It’s so beautiful,” she says. This is why she liked coming to the beach at night.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Electro says.

Comet’s shocked. “Never?”

“Never. But now I wish I’d seen the sky like this sooner.” He turns his gaze to Comet, who was still looking at the sky and leans over to her. “I want to remember this moment with you.”

He kissed Comet on the cheek.

Electro’s heart was beating so fast, that he felt like he was going to faint.

Comet was completely caught off guard by this. She turns to Electro, surprised. Her cheeks were a deep red. “You… you…” She was speechless. “You kissed me…”

Electro smiles awkwardly. “I can’t believe I just did that,” he thought. Electro thought Comet was going to be mad at him for kissing her like that. To his surprise, she hugged him.

“I love you,” Comet says, weakly. She was crying.

Electro wipes the tears off her face and smiles. He realizes he’s blushing too but ignores it. He was more focused on what Comet said to him.

“I love you.”

He never thought he would hear those words in his life. Comet could be the one for him. “Look,” he says. “I know I said I had feelings for Zappy before. But that was a long time ago. I didn’t think I would find someone who would like me the way I do them.”

Comet smiles. “But look at where we are now,” she says. “You found someone.” Then she yawns. Her eyes were starting to close.

It was late at night. The stars were still twinkling in the sky. They were sitting together on the beach leaning back on a rock. They both look at each other again and smile.

Then Comet closes her eyes and starts to sleep. She leans on Electro’s side while she does. This is the first time Comet felt comfortable around him. She doesn’t have to worry anymore.

They were in love.

Posted by V1ZION - August 18th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 11: Escape

Comet wakes up and tries to shake Galaxy awake too. Galaxy stretches and yawns.

“Well, look who finally got their beauty sleep,” she says, smiling.

Comet smiles in return. Galaxy gets to her feet and they head for Shadow’s hideout. While they head there, they both talk amongst themselves.

“So, what have you been doing?” Galaxy asks Comet.

“Trying not to die,” Comet replies. “And I guess trying to annoy Shadow as much as possible. I probably annoyed her too much and that’s why she captured all my friends.”

Galaxy smiles. “Are Electro, Zappy, and Wave cool?”

“Yeah, they are. Turns out, even though they take orders from Shadow, none of them wanted to capture me. That’s how I first met Electro and Zappy. Well, Zappy actually did capture me, but surprisingly, she let me go afterwards.”

Then the question comes out: “Do you like Electro?”

Comet’s instantly flustered. “I-I-I… no,” she stammers.

Galaxy doesn’t buy this at all. “You definitely do.”

“Yeah, I do.” Comet says, dejected. She starts to turn red.

“Don’t worry,” Galaxy says. “I used to have feelings for someone too.”

After talking for a while, they reach Shadow’s hideout. When they go inside, Shadow isn’t there. She must be out looking for them. So they take this opportunity to free the group inside the cell.

“Hey, Comet!” Glaceon exclaims.

Comet sees Glaceon and smiles brightly. She was so happy she was safe.

“Oh, Glaceon! I came up with a nickname for you,” Comet says. “Do you like the name Blizzard?”

Glaceon grins. “I love it! Blizzard sounds great.”

Wave looks at Galaxy. “Who’s the Espeon?” he asks, and then winks at her with a smug smile. Galaxy looks at him in disgust.

“Her name’s Galaxy,” Comet answers. “I don’t think she’s interested in you.”

Wave slumps over dramatically. Galaxy smiles at Comet.

“Guys, sorry to interrupt, but how exactly are we getting out of here?” Zappy asks.

Comet nods over to the key hanging on the wall. Galaxy uses her telekinesis to bring it over, and then unlocks the cell. Everyone was free. Electro is the first to come out from the cell. He runs to Comet and hugs her.

“I missed you,” he says with a big smile.

Comet looks over at Galaxy, and Galaxy nods at her. Comet is starting to feel more comfortable being with Electro. She smiles.

They run to the exit but someone is blocking it. It’s not Shadow, though. It’s an entirely different Pokémon. A Luxio, but no one knows his name. Zappy wasn’t looking and runs into the Luxio. Comet winces, afraid she made him angry. But instead, he just smiles at her.

“Hi, Zappy.”

Zappy looks up and smiles awkwardly at him.

“Um, Zappy?” Comet says. “Who is this?”

Zappy looks back at the group.

“Everyone, meet my boyfriend.”

Posted by V1ZION - August 17th, 2022

A thing that I spent about 2 hours on. If you think it’s good, then woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I did something right xD

As always, enjoy.

Posted by V1ZION - August 14th, 2022

This post is split into two parts.

50 fans?

I don’t know what to say. I know it may not be such a big milestone compared to others, but half of a hundred fans/followers/whatever on any site is big to me. I look forward to making more music for all of you, though I admit it’s taking a while for me to muster up motivation to do so. I’ve basically been browsing this website for the past few days, gaming, and all that shit. Some personal matters as well. I’ve dealt with feelings of depression in the past. They seem to be coming back consider what I’ve felt the past few days. Please let me take some time to pull myself together. Again, thanks for 50 fans. I know I’m a few days late, maybe even a week, but it made my day.

Ghost Killer

My story inspired by Pokémon called Ghost Killer, I am very happy to say, is almost finished. Maybe only a few more episodes left until it’s finished. I’ve also been going back to my other episodes to see what could’ve been better worded, to see what grammar errors I made, and to also add some fucking dialogue lol. I’ve also done some research on the Pokémon mentioned in the story, especially the main one, Mimikyu. However, Pokédex 3D Pro didn’t come in handy for Mimikyu, since it was released after the latest game at the time, Pokémon Black and White. So to the internet I went for info on Mimikyu.

But now I know stuff about all the Pokémon in my story, since I’ve never played a Pokémon game in my entire life lol. You can insult me all you want. I can say that I am getting my first real Pokémon game soon. Can anyone tell me if Pokémon Sun any good?

Expect a new thread posting the full story all in one big post too. This will include all the edits I made to the story that aren’t in the original thread.

The original thread can be seen here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

That’s all I needed to share. Thanks for reading. MORE EPISODES COMING SOON BTW.


Posted by V1ZION - August 13th, 2022

You can read the entire story so far here: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1507343

Ep 10: Sleep Deprived

Zappy wakes up inside a cell in Shadow’s hideout. She finds the dart she’s been shot with on her neck and quickly takes it out so it wouldn’t hurt as much.

“Hi, Zappy.”

Zappy is startled when she hears this. She turns to see Electro and the group beside her. They’re altogether in the same cell. Glaceon is also there. Zappy smiles in relief when she sees her. She then looks out the cell window. It was sunset. It felt calm and soothing to her, like everything was going to be ok. But she is also worried about Comet. How is she going to save everyone alone?

“Oh, good. You’re all awake.”

Shadow appears outside the cell, smiling. Everyone turns to her. She’s captured everyone, now all she needs left is Comet. Shadow’s smile goes away when she sees Electro and Zappy in the cell too. She looks disgusted that they have to be in there. She said she thought they were her friends. Zappy speaks up when she says this.

“You might’ve thought we were your friends… but we weren’t. We were actually just trying to fight the urge from not obeying your orders. It was really hard trying not to ignore you.”

Shadow becomes furious at this. She yells at Zappy to be quiet. Zappy reads Shadow’s face and sees something in her that no one else notices. She sees sadness. After noticing, she frowns at her, not because she told her to be quiet, but because she feels sorry for her. She might not have known what Shadow went through in the past, but she knows that past events can change someone’s life forever.

Shadow is talking about how capturing Comet will make everything even. Electro is confused. He doesn’t understand why Comet is the target. This has been on his mind the entire time. So he asks Shadow why she wants Comet.

Shadow smiles devilishly. “Since Ghost is gone, Comet has no protector,” she says. “Ghost has been my primary target for years, now he’s gone. But now I have Comet to deal with. So I figure that if I get rid of her, she’ll be out of my hair as well…” She turns to face the group.

“Along with all of you.”

During the night, Comet fears about what Shadow might do to her friends. She has no reason to be afraid of Shadow… but she’s afraid that her friends might not come out of there in one piece. Thinking about this makes her stay awake all night. 

At sunrise, Comet starts searching for Galaxy, an Espeon. She’s friends with a lot of Eeveelutions, but her best friend is Glaceon. While Comet is searching, she tries to figure out a nickname for Glaceon.

“Icicle? Not really. Snowstorm? I don’t think that fits either.” Then she thinks she’s got one.


It felt nice for Comet to come up with a nickname for Glaceon. Comet didn’t have one until she met Electro, and now, Glaceon will finally have one too.

Galaxy, the Espeon was wandering near the town when Comet sees her. She tries to shout her name, but she can’t because of how tired she is. Instead, it only comes out as a whisper. This is enough for Galaxy to hear her, though. One thing about Galaxy is her really good hearing. She runs to Comet and smiles. Her smile soon fades as she looks at her.

“What happened to you?”

She explains how her friends being captured kept her awake all night and she couldn’t sleep. Galaxy nods, understanding. She asks if it was Shadow who captured them.

This makes Comet wake up a bit. “How did you know?”

“I’ve heard Shadow’s been going after you for quite a while now. I don’t know the reason why, though.”

At this point, Comet’s wondering if Electro had told Galaxy about their relationship as well. She doubts it, though, because Electro has never met Galaxy before. Probably.

“So, who is all captured?” Galaxy asks.

Comet tells her about all her new friends: Electro, Zappy, and Wave. But Galaxy winces when she hears Wave’s name.

“Isn’t that the Vaporeon who killed your brother… accidentally?”

Comet nods. She tells Galaxy how he killed him and that he apologized for what happened. He’s really nice once you get to know him.

Comet yawns, still feeling tired. Galaxy suggests that they rest first before doing anything too crazy, like confronting Shadow. They head for the forest, where Comet can rest. Then she falls on the grass and starts to sleep. Galaxy lay down beside her and closes her eyes too.